Book Review - Magic Triumphs by Ilona Andrews
Title: Magic Triumphs (Kate Daniels #10)
Author: Ilona Andrews
Publication Date: August 28, 2018
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Pages: 327 pages
Rating: 5/5 stars
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**NOTE: This review is for the final book in the series. I won't be posting any spoilers of the book itself, but there will be spoilers for books 1-9. If you haven't read those yet then I recommend 1) that you not read this review and 2) that you immediately go out and grab the first book because this series is incredible and I think everyone should read it!**
I'm doing things a bit differently with this review. In fact, this is barely even going to be a review. More of a love letter at the end of one of my favorite series. This was the series that taught me to love urban fantasy. It's the series that brought us one of the best female protagonists (hell, protagonists of any gender really!) in recent memory. I'm so happy that I stepped out of my comfort zone and picked up the first book, because this series is truly one of a kind.
The world of post-shift Atlanta is rich and magical, literally. The amount of love and detail that the authors have put into building this wonderful world is so special. The characters are so real, I found myself laughing with them, crying with them, hating them and loving them. I mourned their losses with them, and celebrated their victories, no matter how minor. I found myself truly invested in this world and its inhabitants. The mythology in these ten books has been incredible from page one, and I'm always in awe of how well the authors blend folklore and mythology from across the world and across time into this insane story, and it just somehow WORKS. There's not a single part of this series I would change; everything about it is just so magical, and this is definitely true of this final entry in the series as well.
Throughout the series, Kate has grown so much as a character. From a violent, borderline alcoholic with no ties, to consort of the Pack, to wife and mother. Kate is one of my all-time favorite characters, and watching as she changed throughout the books was a wonderful experience. It's so refreshing, especially in an urban fantasy series, to see a female character who can be tough and independent while also caring deeply for those around her; who can have a deep, passionate romantic relationship without being defined by the man she's with; who can choose to run a business and kick some ass, but not be judged for also wanting to be a wife and a mom. As much as I love all of the characters in this series, Kate is the one whose loss I feel the most deeply as her story comes to an end. I'm so sad to see this series end, but I'm also so happy that it, and its characters, got the fantastic ending that it deserved.
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**NOTE: This review is for the final book in the series. I won't be posting any spoilers of the book itself, but there will be spoilers for books 1-9. If you haven't read those yet then I recommend 1) that you not read this review and 2) that you immediately go out and grab the first book because this series is incredible and I think everyone should read it!**
I'm doing things a bit differently with this review. In fact, this is barely even going to be a review. More of a love letter at the end of one of my favorite series. This was the series that taught me to love urban fantasy. It's the series that brought us one of the best female protagonists (hell, protagonists of any gender really!) in recent memory. I'm so happy that I stepped out of my comfort zone and picked up the first book, because this series is truly one of a kind.
The world of post-shift Atlanta is rich and magical, literally. The amount of love and detail that the authors have put into building this wonderful world is so special. The characters are so real, I found myself laughing with them, crying with them, hating them and loving them. I mourned their losses with them, and celebrated their victories, no matter how minor. I found myself truly invested in this world and its inhabitants. The mythology in these ten books has been incredible from page one, and I'm always in awe of how well the authors blend folklore and mythology from across the world and across time into this insane story, and it just somehow WORKS. There's not a single part of this series I would change; everything about it is just so magical, and this is definitely true of this final entry in the series as well.
Throughout the series, Kate has grown so much as a character. From a violent, borderline alcoholic with no ties, to consort of the Pack, to wife and mother. Kate is one of my all-time favorite characters, and watching as she changed throughout the books was a wonderful experience. It's so refreshing, especially in an urban fantasy series, to see a female character who can be tough and independent while also caring deeply for those around her; who can have a deep, passionate romantic relationship without being defined by the man she's with; who can choose to run a business and kick some ass, but not be judged for also wanting to be a wife and a mom. As much as I love all of the characters in this series, Kate is the one whose loss I feel the most deeply as her story comes to an end. I'm so sad to see this series end, but I'm also so happy that it, and its characters, got the fantastic ending that it deserved.
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